
Confoe Inc.

Design Emphasis

This project required development of a customized solution for a business project management process. The project's scope involved the following: date range filter, timesheet tracking, task status update, task commenting, and reports generation.



confoe logo

Confoe is short for the latin word Confoedustus, which means “joined in alliance”. Founded in 2002, Confoe has served clients across North America, Europe, and Asia in both the private and public sectors. Our clients have ranged from the Fortune 40 to new venture start-ups across multiple industries. Whether your need is to make individual departments or separate companies work together better, Confoe’s methodology will result in their being joined in alliance.

Confoe provides unprecedented time to value with rapid deployment of productivity improvements for operations across industries. Confoe’s unique combination of Project Management expertise, Project Software as a Service (SaaS), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and customized corporate training programs, delivers measurable results with superior financial performance both in profitability and total cost of ownership. To measurably improve your operational business performance in weeks rather than years contact Confoe.


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San Francisco, CA, USA

+1 408 444 5531


MEDEAM - Web Development & Consulting.